On Mar. 5th, the Trinity community celebrates Ash Wednesday beginning the 40 days of Lent leading up to Easter. On this special day of reflection, Catholics wear a marking of the cross in ash created from palms used in the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebration on their foreheads. The ashes symbolize our mortality – “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” They also serve as a symbol of penance during Lent made sacramental by the blessing of the Church.
about 14 hours ago, Bret Saxton
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Congratulations to Trinity’s Phillip Kapoor, Class of 2027, for winning first place in his Senior Category for High School, Physics and Astronomy, at the Louisville Regional Science Fair on Saturday, March 1st! His project was titled: “Axion Detection via CNNs: A Computational Approach to Unveiling Dark Matter.” Phillip also won “Best of Fair” which advances him to the International Science and Engineering Fair in Columbus, OH. Additionally, he advanced to the Kentucky State Science Fair at Eastern Kentucky. Phillip completed his impressive haul by winning a special award entitled, “Excelling in Math and/or Statistics” at the LRSF. Congrats, Phillip!
3 days ago, Bret Saxton
Trinity Department of Theatre Arts Presents Disney’s Newsies opens Wednesday, March 5! Come out and support the talented Rocks on stage and behind the curtain in this fun-loving musical! For show and ticket information, visit trinitydota.com!
5 days ago, Bret Saxton
Newsies Poster
Thursday, March 6, will be a $1 Dress Down Day benefitting Beacon House. Beacon House is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for men. Students can dress down for $1, or more, in jeans/khakis, a Trinity shirt/jacket/hoodie, and athletic/dress shoes. Seniors can wear clothing from the college they are attending next year. Money will be collected during advising.
7 days ago, Bret Saxton
Dress Down Day Beacon House
As registration for the Class of 2029 continues, we celebrate our Kelly and Steinhauser Scholars who earned four-year merit scholarships based on their performance on this year’s Placement Test. Congratulations to this gifted groups of students and their families! We have truly enjoyed hosting ALL our Future Rocks for registration and look forward to a GREAT four years! Trinity Forever!
7 days ago, Bret Saxton
Class of 2029 Steinhauser Scholars
The Catholic Charities of Louisville Youth Board, a partner of the Archdiocese in which Catholic-school students from around Louisville plan service projects to help uplift the marginalized in our community, is hosting a “Mardi Gras Miles” event on Sunday, March 2nd, from 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM at Saint Xavier. A minimum donation of $5 is required to run or attend the event, and all proceeds go to organizations affiliated with the Archdiocese, directly benefitting citizens of Louisville. The event will have a series of one-mile heats based on self-determined skill. There will also be food and games. All interested in participating or attending are encouraged to go and represent Trinity! Register by clicking the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdntDrXQ-uLnXCWyaZoxgWyqt6D3ZhxRQRrGMCHTKquc5S2Rw/viewform
9 days ago, Bret Saxton
Mardi Gras Miles
Taking another step down their path to GreaTness, members of the Trinity Class of 2029 attended Class Registration which continues next week. We look forward to watching these Future Rocks accomplish GreaT things the next four years. Class of 2029, welcome to the Trinity FAMILY!
12 days ago, Bret Saxton
Class of 2029 Registration
Class of 2029 Registration
Class of 2029 Registration
Class of 2029 Registration
Class of 2029 Registration
Trinity Forever! ENS Andrew Pierce ‘19 (USN), a Student Naval Aviator, prepares for one of his final instrument navigation training flights at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, TX. His instructor, Capt. Mitchell Sirianno ‘13 (USMC), guides him through the journey. ENS Pierce is nearing the completion of primary flight training, where he'll soon find out what platform he'll be flying for the Navy. Thank you for your service, Rocks!
15 days ago, Bret Saxton
Sirianno and Pierce
Happy Winter Break, Trinity! When we return on Wednesday, February 19, it will be a Green Day!
19 days ago, Bret Saxton
Winter Break 2025
You can find multiple ways to Rock the Summer at Trinity High School. We offer a variety of camps for students in the third through ninth grades in both athletics and academics during the months of June and July. For more information, click the link! https://www.trinityrocks.com/o/ths/page/rock-the-summer
20 days ago, Bret Saxton
Rock the Summer 2025
Saturday, Feb. 10, members of the Debate team travelled to Highlands Latin to compete in the February Wyatt Debate League tournament. Earning top honors for the Rocks were junior Max Corbett who placed 4th in Congressional Debate, and the new novice Public Forum team of freshmen Gio Roccisano and Oscar Cardoza. In their debut tournament, Gio and Oscar held an undefeated record through prelims, landing them in the semifinal round before they were eliminated. With this solid 4-1 record, Oscar and Gio both earned membership to the National Speech and Debate Association. They are joined by freshman Tyler Woods who also earned membership after his strong performance in Congressional Debate. Good luck to the Rocks as they gear up for the KHSSL State Debate tournament hosted at Transylvania University on March 1st.
22 days ago, Bret Saxton
Speech and Debate Rocks
Congratulations to Coach McCarthy and the Bowling Rocks for capturing the 2025 State Championship! Way to go Rocks! Shortly after capturing the team State Bowling Championship, seniors Joseph Adams (State Champ) and Connor Woosley (State Runner-Up) faced off in the Singles Finals. Congratulations Bowling Rocks on a fantastic season!
23 days ago, Bret Saxton
Bowling State Champs
Bowling Individual State Champs
The 13th Alumni Retreat was held on Sat., Feb. 8. More than 100 alumni from a variety of graduating classes attended, providing an opportunity for them to slow down from their busy schedules, reflect on passionate presentations, and sit with God in prayer while reconnecting with their faith and Trinity brothers. Trinity Forever!
23 days ago, Bret Saxton
2025 Alumni Retreat
Join us Sat, Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. for Trinity Basketball Senior Night as the Rocks host Cathedral (IN) in Steinhauser Gym. Purchase tickets in advance via GoFan.
26 days ago, Bret Saxton
Basketball 2025 Senior Night
The Speech Rocks competed in the Derby Regional tournament on Saturday, Feb. 1. All four Rocks earned bids to the state competition in March. Qualifying for state: Conor McCaffrey '28 in Original Oratory Liam Wahl '26 in Impromptu Speaking Ian Beierle '25 in Extemporaneous Speaking and Impromptu Speaking Hayden Deitz '25 in Extemporaneous Speaking and Impromptu Speaking Hayden was also named regional runner-up in both events. Congratulations, Rocks! Take State!
30 days ago, Bret Saxton
Speech and Debate
A group of fifteen Rocks recently volunteered their time serving as judges at the St. Francis of Assisi Science Fair. Thanks for proudly representing Trinity and having a positive impact on our Catholic community. Go Rocks!
about 1 month ago, Bret Saxton
SFA Science Fair
Trinity will have a $1 Dress Down Day on Friday, February 7, benefitting the Molly Johnson foundation. The Molly Johnson Foundation assists children with special needs and their families. Because the Super Bowl is Sunday, Feb. 9, in addition to wearing Trinity or college gear for seniors, students can wear their favorite jersey. Basketball and other sleeveless jerseys must have a t-shirt under it. Dress down for a $1 or more.
about 1 month ago, Bret Saxton
Dress Down Day Molly Johnson Foundation
Today is National Freedom Day, commemorating the signing by Abraham Lincoln of a resolution that became the 13th amendment, which abolished slavery, to the U.S. Constitution.
about 1 month ago, Bret Saxton
National Freedom Day
National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education, providing the opportunity to celebrate what makes Catholic Schools special.
about 1 month ago, Bret Saxton
CSW Max Corbett
CSW Owen Lanham
As part of our Catholic Schools Week celebration, the Trinity community gathered in Steinhauser Gym to watch a student vs. faculty, fun-filled basketball game. Congratulations to the faculty on their win!
about 1 month ago, Bret Saxton
CSW Faculty Basketball
CSW Faculty Basketball
CSW Faculty Basketball
CSW Faculty Basketball