Trinity Athletics

The Athletic Department of Trinity High School will strive to compliment and support the overall mission of the school to include Forming Men of Faith and Men of Character.
Athletics at Trinity provide a variety of experiences for student-athletes which enable each participant to gain life lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition, leadership, cooperation, self-discipline, goal setting, fair play and Christian identity. Athletic competitions are an important part of our school spirit and helps all students – participants and spectators – develop pride in their school.
The actions of all adults surrounding the Athletic Department should be of the highest standards so the student athlete may learn from proper role model behavior. Success should not be measured only by wins and losses. Personal development of the individual must always be a major objective of the Athletic Department.
Rock the Summer
With a variety of athletic camps, there are many ways for your son to ROCK HIS SUMMER at Trinity!
Click here or on the link below to register:

Forming Men of Faith, Forming Men of Character, Competing at the Highest Levels.
Fall Sports

Winter Sports

Spring Sports