Dear Trinity Parents:
Speaking for all Trinity counselors, welcome to the start of another school year! During his high school career, your son may work with Trinity’s counselors on several issues ranging from academic concerns to relationship issues. The purpose of this letter is to ask for your cooperation in one area in particular – the challenges that our young people face in the areas of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Research by the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) has shown that despite misconceptions to the contrary, parents are the number one influence concerning their child’s attitude about alcohol and other drug use.
To present a united front, Trinity is requiring all parents of freshman students to attend a mandatory meeting. Trinity’s policies on alcohol and drugs will be discussed. Furthermore, Dr. Susanne Binford, a licensed chemical dependency expert, will be on hand to train all parents to identify signs and symptoms concerning adolescent drug use. This is a meeting for parents, no students please!
If your child’s last name begins with M through Z, you are asked to attend this mandatory meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, August 28 in Convocation Hall located in the Communication Arts Center.
If your son’s last name begins with A through L, your mandatory session will be at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4 in Convocation Hall.
When you enter Convocation Hall, you will receive a packet with your son’s last name. We will use this system to determine attendance. The meeting will last about one hour.
We have divided students by their last names because space is limited. If possible, please try to attend on the date you have been assigned. However, if you have a conflict on your assigned night, please contact me and I can move you to the alternate date. My contact information is listed below.
Our goal as a school is to keep your son safe and to empower him to make smart, responsible decisions. Trinity wants to partner with you in making this a reality. We look forward to meeting you and working with your son.
Dr. Aaron Striegel H’16
Advanced Program School Counselor